about bohemian drips

bohemian drips is a Berlin based record label and concert promoter with focus on experimental music, being also active in the field of developing, publishing and staging site-specific compositions in settings with distinctive acoustics. Organizer of the “Speicher” festival in the water reservoirs of Berlin-Pankow between 2017 and 2021.


The Berlin based label “bohemian drips” was originally founded in 2011 by Alexander Meurer and Fillipp Vingerhoets as a playground for experimental and obscure music. With the idea to develop a site-specific sampler in 2014, they teamed up with videographer Nikolaus Götz and the Norwegian sound designer Lasse Kuhlmann who introduced the approach of binaural recording technology, which was inherent for what would become a collaborative project for the following years. Together they defined and started a new chapter for one of the label’s main fields of work in the following period of releases: The inclusion of spatial sound as a compositional dimension was the basis of this particular production process. To capture a three dimensional image, those productions were recorded in “Kunstkopf-Stereophonie”.
When Kuhlmann moved back to Norway in 2016 to follow up with his own work, Götz, Vingerhoets and Meurer continued with selected binaural projects, adding a performative aspect to it: Following this approach, the label organized a yearly festival for site-specific music in two old water reservoirs in Berlin, Pankow: With its eclectic line-ups, “Speicher” became a noticeable landmark in the experimental music scene around Berlin since 2017 and 2021. While the label kept releasing selected festival performances, “Speicher V” marked the fifth and last edition so far in 2021.
Since 2016, “bohemian drips” also releases studio LPs and explores new aesthetic parameters beside binaural recordings for its audio related projects. 
copyright by Nikolaus Götz
Wendelstein Kunstkopf
copyright by Alexander Meurer

Temporary collaborators on bohemian drips projects:

Ian Medina
(since 2016, recording and audio engineering on several records and events)

Lasse Kuhlmann
(2014-2016, co-conception of the binaural branch, recording and co-production of BD001, BD002, BD006)

Benjamin Krauth
(2017, co-production and co-conception of “Speicher” festival)